Liferay portal is a portal framework which is an open source platform which can be customized to any level to deliver cross platform solutions. Liferay development has always been a point for discussion as Liferay provides different ways to customize Liferay or add new functionalities into Liferay.
Liferay Development offers following various ways to customize default behaviour of Liferay:
i. Portlets
ii. Themes
iii. Layout Templates
iv. Webs
v. Hooks
In order to use the various ways mentioned above one must follow the best practices to help in organizing and managing the code as well as defining the deployment strategies
This document will provide information about such practices and how to apply these practices.
1. Liferay Installation
Liferay installation involves three zip files such as, and
One needs to unzip these files and follow the regular installation steps to install Liferay.
The file is the most important file in the whole Liferay development lifecycle as it holds to various configurations which are utilized within the portal or portlets. Once Liferay 6 was released ext became part of plugins-sdk and keeping file within ext is not a good practice.
Best Practice:
Placing the file at Liferay tomcat installation root folder is the best practice. For example : If Liferay Tomcat server is installed under the location : D:\
Also, this file needs to be part of source repository and needs to be updated regularly. Another practice is to avoid using for custom portlets. So if there is need to use properties specific to portlets adding them to file is better.
3. Ext Plugin :
Since Liferay 6.0 extension environment was moved to plugins, it transformed the way core functionalities can be overridden, but there are some best practices which justifies why ext development was moved to plugins.
The major reason why ext was moved to plugins was that in earlier versions of Liferay code had to be placed on the server to deploy ext, which was a major concern from potential customers. So if the customer uses Liferay 6.x version then best practice is NEVER keep source code on servers.
So one should use SSH for Linux servers or RDC for Windows Server to deploy the war files on the server.
As we all know that ext-plugin is still not 100% hot deployable and just because of this reason developers tend to use ant direct-deploy command to deploy ext on the servers. One more reason this command is used more frequently is that people find un-deploying ext-plugin difficult.
So following are some steps which will help in un-deploying the ext-plugin from the server:
Assuming the name of ext-plugin is "sample-ext"
1. Shut down server
2. Delete the folder sample-ext from "webapps" folder
3. Navigate to /webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF folder and delete the following files only:
a. liferay-display-ext.xml
b. liferay-portlet-ext.xml
c. portlet-ext.xml
d. tiles-defs.xml
e. ext-sample-ext.xml
4. Navigate to following location to delete only those jar files mentioned below:
a. ext-sample-ext-impl.jar
b. ext-sample-ext-util-bridges.jar
c. ext-sample-ext-util-java.jar
d. ext-sample-ext-util-taglib.jar
5. Navigate to following location to delete only the ext-sample-ext-service.jar file
6. Restart the server
By following the steps mentioned the ext changes are reverted back to original state once the server restarts and new version of ext can be re-deployed.
1. Avoid creating multiple ext-plugin in the same project to facilitate code manageability.
2. Using EXT Plugin should be avoided till its utmost necessary to modify any core features of Liferay.
3. Hooks Plugin:
Hooks Plugin are the most powerful plugins as compared to any other plugins available within Liferay. One should be careful while using hooks plugin to modify presentation or functionalities of Liferay. Following are some of the best practices to be kept in mind while using hooks plugin:
1. Naming Convention:
Always provide proper naming conventions to hooks plugins. For example, If there is a need to create a hooks plugin for asset publisher then name that plugin as "asset-publisher-hook". This will notify other developers that this particular hook is for asset publisher.
2. Avoid Duplication
Some times developers will create hooks for same portlets more than once which results into conflict and confusion. This can be avoided if Naming convention is followed properly.
4. Portlets Plugin:
These plugin provide freedom to developers to create custom applications which are not part of Liferay OOB features. There are some best practices for such plugins as well which are mentioned as follows:
1. Naming Convention :
Providing proper names based on feature/functionality to the plugin portlets help in identifying the portlets. For example, If one create a portlet providing weather features can be named as weather-portlet.
2. Categorization:
Specifying the categories for the plugin portlets helps in grouping them based on functionality or project. If we consider the above weather-portlet as an example which was developed for customer ABC then mention the portlet categorization in liferay-display.xml as follows:
3. Service Builder
Service Builder tool is used to provide database connectivity to the plugin portlets so that portlet specific information can be persisted in the configured Database. While creating the plugin portlets always consider the bigger picture, like whether this portlet is a standalone portlet or there is a need to share the services of this portlet with another one.
In such scenarios developers will place the service jars in lib/ext folder to make the services global which can be consumed across any portlet. This creates chances of frequent restart of the portal if the service jar gets updated frequently.
The above situation can be avoided if such portlets where services needs to shared are defined under single portlet.xml.
4. CSS/JS/Images
Liferay supports/provides developers to add portlet specific CSS, JS and Images to plugin portlets. One should use this only at the time of development in local machines. When the unit testing is completed whole of the portlet specific CSS, JS and Images should be merged with theme to avoid conflicts with other portlets or theme itself.
For example, if there are two portlets ABC and XYZ and both are using some jQuery plugins. So keeping Jquery Library files in both the portlets separately will end up in either conflicts or performance issue so such common files should be made part of the theme so that they can be accessed globally.
5. Classes Files:
In order to avoid discrepancy between the various components of Liferay, NEVER COMMIT CLASS files to Code Repository. That is the most dangerous activity for the whole project. This can be avoided by configuring classes folder as ignored for check-in.
6. JDK Version
Liferay Portal Server comes with built in JRE and is configured by default. So whenever you are starting the portal server always keep a check of the JRE_HOME Attribute in the command prompt/logs.
Selection of version of JDK entirely depends on the system requirements, though best practice is to configure the JRE_HOME/JAVA_HOME to the installed JDK on the local system. In order to change these settings open up the setenv.bat file (which can be found under bin directory) in a text editor and modify the path of JRE_HOME as follows:
These are some of the best practices which I have learned from my experiences in Liferay Development.
I will keep adding more such best practices to help people work with Liferay the right way.
Very helpful - Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThank you....It was helpful....
ReplyDeleteRegarding "2.", I think custom portlets should be using and not as its specific to the portal.
Hope its a typo.